6 Divorce Survival Tools

If I could teleport back in time, I would tell my newly-separated, “unhinged” self to listen to this episode. It’s all about the first HEAVY days of divorce. It’s when you realize the divorce thing is fo’ REAL, it’s happening whether you like it or not, and there’s no stopping that train. We all need an emergency kit – someone or something to treat the wounds and to show us how to “do divorce” in the first days of separation. So here it it, take a listen!

Transcript Below:

Welcome to the divorce recovery podcast. My name is India Kern. My intention is to encourage and guide you through the valley of divorce. It doesn’t matter what stage you are in because we all need a little help navigating the road from married to divorced. I’ve been there and I know how it is. So sit tight, listen up and enjoy the podcast. Today’s topic is on the survival tools of divorce. What you need to know, think of it this way, it’s for those new to divorce, maybe newly separated and you don’t know what steps you need to take right now. You’re feeling overwhelmed, under water and you do not know where to start or even begin. So listen up. This will be a short and sweet episode, very easy to digest. And l will cover six tools to implement right now. So let’s get started. Number one, start with the basics.

Eat, sleep and exercise. Just self care. Come up with a physical practice that you can do on a daily basis. It can be 30 minutes, 20 minutes, even an hour, but it’s the idea of getting your mind off of your situation. So think about it. When you’re in Yoga, you’re in a balancing pose. It’s very difficult to think about your situation as you try to balance on one foot. Or if you’re surfing and you’re catching a wave and and you just don’t want to get tumbled up in the waves, you’re not going to be thinking about your ex and how he wronged you. Okay, so start with the basics. That’s pretty easy. Nutrition, sleep and exercise. Number two, find a spiritual practice because at this point you need something larger than yourself. There’s no picking yourself up by the bootstraps or even self-helping your way out of this.

You must lean on God. What does this look like? It looks like devotion, being a part of a small group like a Bible study, attending church, having quiet time, actually quiet time, that silence and that quietness is when breakthroughs were made for me, so try it. Number three, do not try to understand it all I had to view my ex husband as being temporarily insane. Understanding will come later. Right now, it’s survival mode and it’s self-preservation. Number four, surround yourself with your “Dream Team.” This means like-minded souls that will support you, your family, healthy friends, therapists, and, even a divorce recovery mentor like myself. So avoid the toxic friends, you know who they are. And number five, get a new email account. Set up a separate checking account and stay off of social media. Do not air your dirty laundry for the public to see. This part of your life needs to stay private.

Number six, it’s time to get very familiar with your finances, and if the finances were not something you handled before, do not let this scare you. You can always hire an expert to look over things or ask a friend who is knowledgeable in that field. Do not avoid it. Hit it head on. So that is the end of today’s episode. Let me say I learned all of this through trial and error and my intention with today’s message is to educate you and help you avoid some of the mistakes that I made. Remember, you can always reach me at connect@indiakern.com for a free consultation. Then if you find that we are a match and we are a good team, I will help you devise a divorce plan. I hope to hear from you soon. Thank you for listening and have a beautiful day.