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Support Groups Offer a Roadmap to Divorce

Support Groups Offer a Roadmap to Divorce

Imagine entering a new country where everything is foreign to you, the landscape looks nothing like what you know, and you must learn a new language. It’s unknown territory, and the land is vast. There are many different directions to take, and the next decisions you make determine your future. Your full attention is required, but you feel overwhelmed and foggy in the brain. How are you going to make these critical decisions when you have no idea what you are doing?

This is divorce.

It may feel like too much pressure, you question your ability, what if I make the wrong decision? What if I am ill-advised? But divorce demands your attention whether you are up for it or not. The journey seems much longer than it should be. Why didn’t your divorced friends tell you how difficult this trip would be? It’s just like when your mother concealed how painful childbirth was, then you experienced it yourself, and holy cow! you had no idea the level of discomfort that exists. Why didn’t they tell you?
You need support services and education on how to come through this journey fully intact. Where are the wise men (or wise women) of divorce? Where’s your north star directing you to the next step forward?
Behold! I bring you good tidings of great joy! NOW there are more divorce support groups than EVER before. In this newsletter, I want to let you know what’s out there and how these resources can benefit you. You might not be able to save your marriage, but you can save your sanity starting by learning what is available to help you get through the divorce process. No matter where you are in the process – legally separated, filing for divorce or five years post-divorce, there are support resources designed just for your specific need. These groups can save you boatloads of money, and the quality of information is immeasurable.
Isn’t the goal for you to come through divorce physically, financially and emotionally WHOLE? That’s the intention of this newsletter, and that’s also the reason I became a divorce coach.


Divorce4Men101 is an educational, interactive workshop designed to assist men considering and planning for a divorce. The workshop is intended to help men navigate the divorce process and make smart, informed decisions about their future. Certified Family Law Specialist Jane Wesley Brooks and Certified Divorce Coach India Kern along with an expert panel of professionals will answer your questions and provide the resources you need. It will be held every 4th Saturday of the month from 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM. No matter what stage of the process you’re in, you’ll leave with actionable tips from experienced professionals to move forward with confidence and clarity.
Register here.

Second Saturday

Second Saturday is a national organization that’s designed to help men and women survive the divorce process without falling into the common financial, legal and emotional pitfalls. This workshop offers a team of qualified divorce professionals who can answer ALL of your divorce questions. Maybe you are contemplating divorce mediation versus hiring an attorney. This is a perfect place to start gathering the information you to make a sound decision. The cost is minimal. The meetings usually last two hours and it’s so worth the small fee.
Fore more details visit our website here.


DivorceCare is a Christian-based national organization that welcomes anyone who is separated, contemplating divorce, smack dab in the middle of divorce or recovering from it. The 13-week program is a friendly, caring group of people who will walk alongside you through one of life’s most difficult experiences. Thousands of DivorceCare groups meet weekly around the world; it has been around since 1993. The cost varies from group to group, but they all are reasonably priced, and the small fee pays for the materials that are used. You will receive practical and spiritually uplifting material to help you find help and healing from the hurt of separation and divorce. Because of the extensive length of the DivorceCare program, the attendees find a supportive community that understands the ups and downs of divorce.
Find a group near you.
As a person that has stood exactly where you stand today, I can tell you the best way to squash those feeling of anxiety, uncertainty and unfamiliarity is to educate yourself on the divorce support that is available to you. It’s time to do something about the “overwhelm” of divorce and devise a plan, start by committing to at least one of the divorce resource support groups today.
My name is India Kern, and I am a certified divorce coach who specializes in working with people caught off guard by divorce. I help them feel confident, find a sense of security and be happy again. No matter what, you have a choice – to either “get bitter” or “get better,” I help you get better.
Are you ready to get “better?”
Book your free 30-minute coaching call now:
India Kern

Published by
India Kern

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